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I am a PhD in Organizational Behavior from IIM Calcutta, I am passionate about Human Resource and an ardent admirer of life. I want to share whatever little bit knowledge I have about my field - Human Resources and leading a good life on this blog. Feel free to comment if you like my blog.

Friday, November 1, 2019

How to gain control of your life - Chapter 1

I was always the kind of person who would get offended by the smallest of things happening in my life. A colleague giving me dirty look - I will get offended; I did not get the job of my choice - again offended; the bus did not come on my time - again offended.

After 10 years of suffering and surviving on the offend mode; I finally chose to put a stop to everything. One day out of nowhere, I got the enlightenment that by keep getting offended I am giving away my power to useless things that are out of my control. If I get insulted by every TOM, DICK and HARRY on the street, then every TOM, DICK and HARRY gets power over me.
Its in our human nature to get offended , but we should save our reaction only to the things and people that matter. By losing our cool over petty issues, we are only letting ourself suffer. The longer you hold onto anger, you might feel that you are persecuting your offender; however at the end you are persecuting your own-self and nobody. The vessel that holds the acid only corrodes itself and nobody.

You might say but how can I forgive the one who hurt me the most. Its true forgiveness does not come easy. There are people who might take advantage of your loving and kind nature. You dont have to forgive everyone. But you must forget. Forgetting does not mean erasing the hurt memories but doing things that you love doing. Following your passion - it can be becoming great at your job; or investing time in your relationship, or anything. As long as you are channelizing your energy on good things of life , you are on the right track .

Remember at the end of the day, a life well lived is the best revenge.

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