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I am a PhD in Organizational Behavior from IIM Calcutta, I am passionate about Human Resource and an ardent admirer of life. I want to share whatever little bit knowledge I have about my field - Human Resources and leading a good life on this blog. Feel free to comment if you like my blog.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Forestry – A Career option for the Youth

The youth of today is far more lucky than their ancestors not only because of the developed environment in which they are living today owing to which they are able to take advantage of the various amenities which their counterparts were not able to avail 2-3 decades back but also because of the myriad career options that are available to them which was not the scenario in the past.
But as the saying goes “Excess of everything is bad” the same is the dilemma which the youth of today face with respect to what is best for them. The youth of today though are blessed with plenty but they aren’t as clear about their career as their ancestors were.
Because of this option of plenty, the students are way too confused and just can’t figure out which one is the best for them or suits them on a long term basis. As a result of which a herd mentality develops and the concept of individuality is lost. Since choosing the right career is one of the most important decisions of one’s life, hence one must be very cautious while choosing a career and carefully note the pros and cons of those options into one’s mind and also consider whether one’s aptitude, attitude and most important of all one’s interests viz-a- viz are suited with the particular career profile or not.
Today I’ll discussing with you a career profile which is best suited for nature lovers or people who possess a keen interest in forest conservation and wildlife protection.
Forestry is a profession that is aimed at creating, managing and conserving forests in a sustainable manner for the overall benefit of the environment. Over the years with issues of global warming and climate change becoming areas of prime concern, forestry as a profession and as a field of relevant study is  gaining importance.
Forestry in itself is a broad term since it encompasses a variety of related activities like assisting forests to provide timber as raw material for wood products, wildlife habitat, natural water quality management, recreation, landscape and community protection, employment, tourism, biodiversity management, watershed management, erosion control, and preserving forests as ‘sinks’ for atmospheric carbon dioxide etc.
In India, forests are a major resource of generating income and hence the Government of India is investing a lot of money in the funding of Forest Research Institutes. The Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education is an autonomous body under the control of Ministry of Environment and Forests. The Government of India is one of such institutes which works towards conducting research in forest related activities for e.g. investigating improved techniques of planting, protecting and processing of timber. Reforestation is also an area of research whereby improved methods of planting and tending trees in a given area is taken into consideration.
There are many other such forest research institutes and universities offering forestry courses that are located in various parts of India. For further information you can log onto: http://www.icfre.org/index.php?linkid=left13ke136&link=3
These institutes’ offers three courses at bachelor’s level leading to M.Sc. Degree and two Post-Graduate Diploma Courses, besides awarding Ph.D. degree in Forestry. For getting admission into the bachelors level course at these colleges a 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry and Biology background is necessary. For starting a career in forestry a bachelor’s degree in any forestry course would suffice but for career advances higher education is considered favourable.
UPSC conducts the Indian Forest Service Exam every year for recruiting officers for the Indian Forest Service. It is also an All India service like IAS and IPS. The Indian Forest Service was created in 1966 for protection, conservation and regeneration of forest resources. Being an All India Service, the members are recruited by the Centre but their services are put under the various State cadres, with the privilege of serving both under the State and under the Centre.
Those who clear the examination are provided with privileges and amenities similar to what IAS and IPS officers avail off and their career advances are similar to them.
So for all the nature lovers forestry is an excellent career option to pursue their interest and finally go for a long term  career where they would following their heart and also be able to maintain their individuality.
Padmavathy Dhillon

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